All scholarships listed here require applicants to complete the .
This application needs to be completed only once per year.
Some require a separate application and/or additional documentation.
Unless otherwise indicated, completed scholarship applications are due by Apr. 1 for the following academic year.
Airport Golf Club Scholarship
Albany County Campus GED Scholarship
Alex Frye Memorial Scholarship
Amanda S. and Oscar W. Schmale Memorial Scholarship
American Association of University Women Scholarship
Andrew Simes Jessup Family Memorial Scholarship
Andrikopoulos Family Scholarship
Angie's Spirit Award Scholarship
Anna Vondrak Memorial Scholarship
Anne Foley Memorial Scholarship
Arden G. Epler Family Trust Scholarship
Art Ellis Scholarship
Association for Children with Learning Disabilities Scholarship
Atillio Bedont Scholarship
Augusta C. Peterson Memorial Scholarship
B.J. and Frances Rush Caldwell Memorial Scholarship
Bergetta, Samuel and Mauris Wilson Memorial Scholarship
Betty Marsh Memorial Scholarship
Beverly Elrod Cherishes Children Scholarship
Bill McCoy Memorial Scholarship
Byron and Alice Orton Scholarship
Carrie Dailey Memorial Scholarship
Casey McKee Memorial Scholarship
Charlie Moore Scholarship Fund
Chencho Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship
Cheyenne Candlelighters Scholarship
Cheyenne Housing Authority Continuing Education Award
Cheyenne Philatelic Society Scholarship
Cheyenne Postal Service Scholarship
Cheyenne Rotary Club Scholarship
Cheyenne Sunrise Rotary Centennial Project
Cheyenne-Laramie County Employees Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Chris Dray Honorary Scholarship
City of Cheyenne Housing and Community Development Scholarship
Coca-Cola Two-Year College Scholarship Program
Colorado Wyoming Association of Women for Education
County Commissioners' Scholarship
Daughters of Penelope Scholarship
Davis Book Fund
Davis Family K and T Scholarship
Dean Bartow Educational Journey Scholarship
Debora and John Kaiser Scholarship
Deming/Miller Elementary Alumni Scholarship
Donna Torvik Memorial Scholarship
Donovan Scholarship
Doug Beach Memorial Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. Dan C. Hinkle Scholarship
Dr. Dean and Karen Schroeder Scholarship
Dwight Bonham Memorial
Edington Family International Student Scholarship
Edington Family Scholarship
Edythe Nelsen/Ethel Herrin Memorial Scholarship
Edythe Nelsen/Ethel Herrin Self-Sufficiency Scholarship
Elizabeth Hite's "Friendship" Scholarship
Eric Allen Emery Memorial Scholarship
First Cheyenne Federal Credit Union Scholarship
First Education Federal Credit Union Scholarship
First National Bank of Wyoming
Floreine E. Clark Memorial Scholarship, P.E.O. Chapter Z
Floyd E. and Helen E. Derr Memorial Scholarship
Fontaine Yeoman Memorial Scholarship
Francis and Jimmie Thornton Scholarship
Friends of the Murphys Scholarship
Frontier Refinery Scholarship
Gail Chaimson Horst Memorial Scholarship
Gamma Alpha Chapter of Tau Epsilon Scholarship
General Wing Family Scholarship
George J. Griego Memorial
Goins Alumni Scholarship
Greek Festival Scholarship
Gronenthal Family Scholarship
Guille-Ivester Scholarship
Hal and Sue Wedel Scholarship
Hazel K. Johnson Veteran's Scholarship
Helen K. Maier P.E.O. Scholarship
Hell on Wheels Rodeo Scholarship
Herman "Bud" Lingle Memorial Scholarship
Herman Pasternack-Louis Veta Memorial Scholarship
Hobbs Alumni Scholarship
HOPE Continuing Education Scholarship
HOPE Scholarship
Arlington and Edvina Wiederspahn Scholarship
J.O. Reed Vocational Scholarship
Jack and Amanda Funk Scholarship
James and Vicki Medina Family Scholarship
James W. Crader Sr. and Ella Mae Crader
Jean K. Cotton DVM Memorial Scholarship
Jim Lamprecht Memorial
Joe Kotze and Mary Johns Memorial Scholarship
John and Eileen Ely Scholarship
John McHenry Memorial Scholarship
Johnnie McKinney Memorial Scholarship
Judy and Hugh Ivester Scholarship
Kathy Boheler Memorial Scholarship
Kathy Carley Gamble Memorial Scholarship
Kay and Jerry Jessen Family Scholarship
Kelsey Ann Altenbern Memorial Scholarship
Kimberly Prigge Munson Memorial Scholarship
Knights of Pythias Scholarship
Ladies of the Elks Scholarship
Laird/Lewis Families' Spirit Scholarship
Laramie County Association for Children with Learning Disabilities
Laramie County DUI Victim Impact Memorial Scholarship
Laramie GM Auto Center Scholarship
Laramie Police Department Foundation Scholarship
Latin American Association of Cheyenne Scholarship
Latino Golf Classic Scholarship
糖心live Employee Sponsored Scholarship
糖心live Staff Senate/Randy B. Miller Memorial
糖心live Veterans Book Grant
糖心live-Wyoming Latina Youth Conference Scholarship
Liz and Sam's Special Spirit Scholarship for Single Parents
Lowell James Lamprecht Memorial Scholarship
Nathan L. Sherard Scholarship
Nelson FamilyScholarship
Norman S. Tucker Memorial Honors Scholarship
Order of the Eastern Star, Oakleaf Chapter #6 Youth Scholarship
Palmquist Family Scholarship
Pastora San Juan Cafferty Scholarship
Pat Gosbee Memorial Scholarship
Paul and Colin Kaiser Memorial Scholarship
PEO Chapter C Scholarship
PEO Sisterhood, Chapter AD Scholarship
Peter and Dina Harrison Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Police Protective Association/Don Edwards Memorial Scholarship
Pope Family Scholarship
Ralph and Beryl Cline Scholarship
Reiman Corp. Scholarship
Restaino Family Memorial Scholarship
Ret. Msgt. Jerald A. Jones Memorial Scholarship
Richard M. Baker Memorial Scholarship
Richard M. Baker Scholarship 2
Robert and Mary Garland Family
Robert E. Rennard Memorial Scholarship
Ron and Julie Rabou Family Scholarship
Ronda Mahan Memorial Scholarship
Roseine Church Memorial
Rotary Club of Cheyenne Endowed Scholarship
Scottish Society of Southeast Wyoming Scholarship
Shawn Dubie Memorial Scholarship
Sherri Gilkerson Memorial Scholarship
Simpson Electric Co. Scholarship
Sons of American Legion Post 6 Scholarship
Sons of Italy Scholarship
Stan and Mabel Guille
Tau Kappa Epsilon-Gamma Alpha Chapter Board of Control
The American Legion Francis E Self Post 6 糖心live Scholarship
Three Hierarchs Ladies Philoptochos Society Scholarship
Timothy E. Cowley Scholarship
Todd Gilbert Memorial Scholarship
Tom Burnside Memorial Scholarship
Union Pacific Railroad Career Enhancement Scholarship
Union Pacific Railroad Honor Scholarship
Union Pacific Railroad Scholarship
UniWyo Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Vietnam Veterans' Dependents Scholarship
Wal Mart Scholarship
Watenpaugh Family Scholarship
Wells Fargo Bank
Women's Civic League of Cheyenne
WyHy Federal Credit Union
Wyoming Homemakers Scholarship
Wyoming Latina Youth Conference Scholarship
Wyoming National Bank Scholarship
Wyoming National Guard Endowment
Wyoming Physical Therapy, P.C. Scholarship
Wyoming Scottish Rite Foundation Scholarship
Wyoming Trucking Association Scholarship
Wyoming Young Contractors Association
Youth Alternatives and Halladay Motors, Inc.
YWCA Scholarship
Zonta Club of Cheyenne Scholarship
Zonta Club of Laramie Scholarship
Laramie County Retired Education Personnel Scholarship
The Griffin Foundation Scholarship
Diantha O. Pearmain Memorial Fund
Friendship Force Club of Cheyenne International Student Scholarship
Arts & Humanities
Diane Kaysen's "Incite the Muse" Art Scholarship
Denise and Randy Fetzer Scholarship
Herbert Parker and Hazel Parker Miller Memorial Scholarship
John and Esther Clay Art Scholarship
Morris D. Kemper Scholarship
Bohlen Family Scholarship
Connie and Jim Johns Scholarship
Helen G. Miller Memorial
John and Jane Glode Scholarship
Jose and Melanie Fierro Scholarship
Marcy Helser Education Scholarship
Robert G. and Rogene Boyd Education
Schrag Family Scholarship
Lewis E. Bates Journalism Scholarship
Kristi Barkhurst "Magic" Scholarship
Eleanore "Ellie" W. Field "In Focus" Memorial Scholarship
Robert and Rosalind Schliske Scholarship
Paul W. Jordan Memorial
The Candy Van Dyke Investigative Reporting Scholarship
Frank and Dorothy Rabou Memorial Scholarship
糖心live Music Scholarship
John and Brenda Lyttle Theatre Scholarship
Business, Agriculture & Technical Studies
Arizona National Livestock Show Scholarship
Austin Humphrey Memorial Scholarship
Ben Tyner Legacy Scholarship
Brian Dowdy Scholarship
Cowgirls of the West Scholarship
Eleanor "Ellie" W. Field "In Focus" Memorial
George McIlvaine Memorial Scholarship
Hell on Wheels Rodeo Scholarship
Ira Trotter Scholarship Grants
J.P. Whipp Memorial Scholarship
Jeff Lundberg Memorial Scholarship
Ken and Norma Jean Fogg Scholarship
King Ranch Company, Limited Partnership Scholarship
Larry and Sheila Vossler Memorial Scholarship
Mark Carson Family Endowment
Morris D. Kemper Scholarship
National Western Stock Show Scholarship
Pam and Mike DeMartin Family Scholarship
Paul Bruegman Memorial Scholarship
R.C. "Doc" Bishop Scholarship
Robert G. Boyd Excellence in Agriculture Scholarship
Sherri Gilkerson Memorial Scholarship
Ted Burri Memorial Scholarship
The Wyoming Crop Improvement Association Scholarship
Trevor Jordan Memorial
Washakie County CowBelles' Continuing Education Scholarship
Wolfe Family Scholarship
Wyoming Paint Horse Club Scholarship
Hazel K. Johnson Vocational Scholarship
NAPA Auto Parts of Cheyenne Auto Technology Scholarship
Alfred and Mabel Harris Family Scholarship
American Society of Women Accountants
Bill and Cindy Pomeroy Scholarship
Cheyenne Chapter Association of Records Managers and Administrators
Ed Rabou Memorial Scholarship
Edith and Ed Mosher Business Administration Honors Scholarship
Enterprise Business Scholarship Endowment
Express Personnel Services
Gail Chaimson Horst Memorial
Jerry and Nancy Crader Business Scholarship
Joe Robbie Foundation Scholarship
John and Jane Glode Scholarship
John Ostlund Entrepreneurial Scholarship
Jon E. Von Kennel / Shirley Garrett-Robinson Memorial Scholarship
Kathryn S. Smith Scholarship
Mohamed and Fatma Business and Career Scholarship
P.S. Cook Scholarship
Red Carpet Committee Business Scholarship
Richard T. O'Gara Economics Scholarship
Ron and Julie Rabou Family Scholarship
Shirley Howard/Blue Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Southeastern Wyoming Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Scholarship
The Property Exchange Scholarship Fund
Tyrrell-Doyle Chevrolet Honda Scholarship
Vern and Elsie Helmer Memorial
W. Alan Hughes Scholarship
Yelton/Lewis Family Scholarship
Struempf Information Systems Scholarship
Sierra Deselms Memorial Scholarship
Earl Edington Diesel Mechanic Scholarship
VanWhy Family Scholarship
Halladay Motors Scholarship
Hazel K. Johnson Vocational Scholarship
Veteran's Auto Scholarship
NAPA Auto Parts of Cheyenne Diesel Technology Scholarship
Union Pacific Diesel Technology Scholarship
Vance F. Elrod - The Will to Achieve Scholarship
The Wind Energy Technology Scholarship
Duke Energy Scholarship
FCI Constructors Inc. Scholarship
Edison Mission Energy Scholarship
Jackson Family Scholarship
Hazel K. Johnson Vocational Scholarship
Health Sciences & Wellness
Allied Health Field Scholarship
Arthur and Cynthia Schultz Nursing Scholarship
Barber, Dixon and Whittenberger Radiography Scholarship
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming Scholarship
Burns Masonic/R. White Nursing Scholarship
Carol and Earl Kabeiseman Scholarship
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center Volunteers Past Presidents Scholarship
Dan C. Hinkle M.D. Memorial Scholarship
Dola Edington-CNA Caring Spirit Scholarship
Dorothy Kadlec Memorial Surgical Technology Scholarship
Dr. Larry and Vicki Parker Meuli Scholarship
Express Personnel Services
Gail Chaimson Horst Memorial
Heiduck Family Scholarship
Home Instead Senior Care Scholarship
JFG Memorial
Katherine 鈥淛ean鈥 Jeffers Memorial Scholarship
Kevin and Esther Byrne Endowment
糖心live Foundation Nursing Scholarship
Martie and Bruce Curl Scholarship
Martin and Opal Petersen Scholarship
Mary Lu Langass Memorial Scholarship
Mary McIlvaine Nursing Fund
Mary V. Ostlund Nursing Scholarship
Phillip W. Brown Memorial Scholarship
Phyllis Bach Memorial Scholarship
R.C. and Marcia Mead Family Endowed Scholarship
Restaino Family Memorial Scholarship
The Robert and Ellyn Phillips Scholarship Endowment
Rose "Arlena" Montgomery Nursing Scholarship
Todd Gilbert Memorial Scholarship
Tom Bauman Memorial Scholarship
West Nebraska Blood Center Scholarship
Willard H. Pennoyer, M.D. Medical Scholarship
Women of the Moose Nursing Scholarship
Zabka Family Nursing Scholarship
Andrea C. Easton Memorial Dental Hygienist Scholarship
Bill and Kathryn Ennis Motivational Scholarship
Delta Dental Pan of Wyoming- Dental Hygiene Scholarship
Christopher Foianini Memorial Scholarship
Southeast Wyoming District Dental Society Scholarship
Wyoming Dental Association Scholarship
Joe and Jean Phelan Scholarship
Barber, Dixon, and Whittenberger Radiography Scholarship
Virginia and Edward Howshar MD Scholarship
Mary Lou Burr Scholarship
Math & Sciences
Clark Wissler Anthropology Scholarship
Buzz Davis 鈥 Laramie County Silent-Witness Crime Stoppers Scholarship
Laramie County Peace Officer's Association/Brandan Wilkins Memorial Scholarship
Fraternal Order of Police
George Woolsey Memorial Scholarship
John A. Lang Memorial Scholarship
Wyoming Law Enforcement Family Scholarship
Wyoming Peace Officers Association Scholarship
Cheyenne Engineers Club Scholarship
Dennis A. Gatchell Engineering Scholarship
John and Jane Glode Scholarship
Pam and Mike DeMartin Family Scholarship
Southeast Wyoming Builders Association Scholarship
Thomas E. Kilty Engineering/Physics Scholarship
Willard Given, P.E., Engineering Scholarship
Mary J. Carpenter History Scholarship
Hirst Applegate LLP Paralegal Scholarship
Janice Munker Paralegal Scholarship
Thomas G. Gorman Legal Studies Scholarship
Schrag Family Scholarship
William E. Prigge Math Scholarship
Jose and Melanie Fierro Scholarship
Summer Dawn Kuhlman Memorial Scholarship
Billie Addleman Scholarship
Hell of Wheels Rodeo Scholarship
Hunter Brown Britegam Memorial Soccer Scholarship
Kelsey Ann Altenbern Memorial Scholarship
糖心live Flight Crew Scholarship
Shawn Dubie Memorial Scholarship