Emergency Information
Contact Information | Notification System | Weather-Related Closures
Contact Information
ÌÇÐÄlive Emergency Info | Phone | Web |
Campus Safety-Cheyenne | 307.630.0645 or 911 | lccc.wy.edu/services/security |
Campus Safety-Laramie | 307.772.4259 or 911 | lccc.wy.edu/services/security |
Counseling & Campus Wellness | 307.778.4397 or 911 | lccc.wy.edu/services/counseling |
Residence Life | 307.637.2498 or 911 | lccc.wy.edu/life/livingOnCampus |
ÌÇÐÄlive Non-Emergency Info | Phone | Web |
Children’s Discovery Center | 307.778.1303 | lccc.wy.edu/services/discoveryCenter |
Facilities & Events | 307.778.1291 | lccc.wy.edu/about/facilities |
Help Desk/Computer Center | 307.778.4357 | lccc.wy.edu/services/technology |
Marketing & Communications | 307.778.4390 | lccc.wy.edu/about/marketingCommunications/ |
Physical Plant | 307.778.1233 |
Regional/National Emergency Info | Phone | Web |
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center | 307.634.2273 | |
Ivinson Memorial Hospital (Laramie) | 307.742.2141 | |
Poison Control | 800.222.1222 | |
Emergency Law Enforcement, Fire, and Ambulance | 911 | |
• Non-Emergency Law Enforcement (Laramie Co. Sheriff's Department) | 307.633.4700 | |
WY Dept. of Transportation | 888.WYO.ROAD | |
Wyoming Lifeline - Suicide Prevention | 988 |
Emergency Notification System
ÌÇÐÄlive's emergency notification system (RAVE) is designed to quickly send text messages to mobile phones and email accounts whenever there's a situation that ÌÇÐÄlive students and the campus community need to know about. This is an opt-out system; once you are a student or employee, you are already set up to receive alert messages.
Log in to – under your tab of "Student" or "Faculty & Staff," click the self-service option. Here you can make appropriate changes to your records and choose how you want to be notified if there's an alert such as a weather closure or a dangerous situation on campus. Signing up for text messages is probably a good choice for most users.
Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Chart (Cheyenne)
Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Chart (Laramie - ACC)
This resource provides detailed, ÌÇÐÄlive-specific information for dealing with situations such as 911 protocol; smoke, fire or explosion; threatening calls; after-hours emergencies and more. Reviewing this information can help you be prepared in case of an emergency on campus.
Weather-Related Closures
In the event of the need to close or delay the opening of a campus, the college will attempt to provide notice by 6 a.m. This notice will be provided via the public website, local TV and radio stations and internal email, among others. The emergency notification system also may be used. If a closure happens later in the day, the same methods will be used to provide notice as soon as possible to lessen the inconvenience to all parties.
However, because road conditions vary a great deal in our communities, it is difficult to make one decision that is right for everyone. Therefore, students are encouraged to make their own personal safety decisions based on the situation in their area.
In times where ÌÇÐÄlive remains open while the weather remains extremely cold and winter-like, everyone is strongly encourage to drive safely and dress appropriately. Students also are asked to keep in contact with their instructors should road conditions or other factors prohibit them from making it to classes.